From the bottom of our hearts, Lord , we thank you, for your sustained loving patronage and for bringing all of us together to the morning light of another beautiful day with all its potential of quality and reliable service to thousands of customers in our motherland and abroad. ‘O’ Lord, our ‘GRACETEC’ family is committed to making human lives more comfortable, easier and safer, by delivering excellent engineering services and products as per Total Quality Management concepts and Best Manufacturing practices according to schedules, and without any expectations reality gap, giving surplus satisfaction not only to our customers but also to all the stake holders.
By your grace, sanctify our commitment so that all our endeavours turnout to be far the greater glory of God.
Bless us Lord, to usher and weave a happy life for talented youth by creating more job opportunities and to kindle hope of a fruitful life for the poor and the needy by sharing a part of our wealth made through legal and ethical means.
Lord, we dedicate all our resources, human and material, for thy loving patronage, without any accident calamities, natural or man-made. Give us the wisdom, O Lord, to know that the company’s objectives can be accomplished only through the realisation of individual objectives and through the integrated growth of our dedicated team of staff. Let all our transactions be customer- centred and promote harmonious relationship with the staff and clients.
Give us the blessing O Lord to do justice to our commitment and mission, and to act gracefully enrich life and improving quality of life all around.